
Changing From Glory to Glory

It has been a while since I have last blogged! However, I am currently taking this term off from school and I have some extra time to post some new things! For anyone who still comes to this site and reads any of my past blogs, I want to mention the fact that God has refined and reshaped my views within the past 6 years since first starting this blog. I have considered going back through past blogs and editing them (or deleting them altogether) if my views from then are substantially different from now (based on the new things the Holy Spirit has revealed to me through His Word throughout the years), but I have chosen to leave them on here. What I believed at one point is still a great part of the journey in which God has allowed me to be on and it makes up who I am in Him. Over the years, however, the Holy Spirit has convicted me of many things and has filled me with more peace in Christ than I had when first being saved 6 years ago. The things I write now is where God has me at right now, but as His child, He will not leave me the same (thank You Lord!). The change process can be difficult, raw, and even ugly, but it is also beautiful all in the same as what a blessing it is that He is willing to continue to work in His children to make us become more and more like Him! I am thankful to know that even though I continue to change from glory to glory in His image, He never changes (Malachi 3:6). So in saying all of this, just keep in mind as you read through my past posts that I am not the same person now as I was then and God will continue to do a good work in me as I grow in Him, but if you have questions on something, Please feel fee to ask! :-)

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